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3 Tips For A Last Minute Move

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Whether it's due to simple procrastination, a home sale that went more quickly than anticipated, or an unexpected life event, a last minute move can be even more hectic and stressful than a regular move. Getting everything organized, packed, and moved in time while dealing with last minute logistics may be stressful, but there are specific things you can do to make the move much easier and more streamlined. Here are three helpful tips to follow when faced with a last minute move:

Hire Professional Movers

This is not the time to attempt to move yourself. You not only don't have the luxury of being able to slowly move your belongings over the course of a few weeks and several trips back and forth but attempting to move yourself under hectic and stressful circumstances is just asking for belongings to be broken and nerves to be frayed. Local moving services will ensure your belongings are moved in a way that is efficient, quick, secure, organized, and doesn't lead to damaged or missing items. It will also free up your time to deal with moving logistics.

Consider Hiring Packers

Hiring a service to pack your belongings before they are moved may be a luxury during a normal move, but under last minute circumstances doing so can be a true sanity saver. Packing and boxing up all your belongings can be the most time-consuming aspect of a move, so when you are short on time it makes sense to delegate this task to professionals. Professional packing services ensure your belongings are packed in a way that is as organized, clearly labeled, and logical as possible, making unpacking and setting up your new home a breeze.

Enlist Help with Kids and Pets

Keeping your children and pets entertained, fed, safely inside, and comfortable during a last minute move can feel impossible. Enlisting the help of trusted family members or paying a professional babysitter or petsitter during the move can ease your mind while also making your move easier for everyone. Even just having someone watch your child for a few hours on moving day, or take your dog to the dog park, will make your moving logistics much easier to manage, while also keeping kids and pets happy.

While a last minute move may be a bit complicated, by following these tips you will ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Contact a local moving service for more information and assistance. 
